Friday, January 20, 2006

This is David. He is the son of another stay at home dad. The weather was just good enough to play outside today. However, the Toole family is ready for some snow. Sledding time is near. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 19, 2006

A pic for a signature ot be used on other websites. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Aidan did not much care for his swim lessons today.  Posted by Picasa

"Thank you Grandma Susan for the new dook toys."  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Mmmmmhhhh... Strawberries! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Here, one kid is being punished and the other is going through sympathy punishment. Can you guess which is which? Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 06, 2006

This is a copy of a t-shirt design I made for my dad. He owns a bowling alley in Rochester NY. He has a team of guys that play in a dart league and they call his alley home. This design was printed onto bowling shirts for them to wear when playing ine the league. Probably one of the few dart teams with team shirts. I had alot of fun making this design. My dad has asked me several times over the years to design stuff for him - but this was the first that I actually took on and completed. If you are ever in Rochester stop in and see him. Tell him I sent you. Posted by Picasa

"Dook Animals"

These animals represent something very special. Each on of these animals is the reward for Aidan going poopy on the potty. The shorter snake was his first - we call him "dook snake" - and he recieved him New Years Eve day. Aidan is allowed to play with a toy animal while he is sitting on the potty, but only through pooping is he allowed to care for a "dook" animal outside the bathroom. Initially we thought it would be good incentive as well as being cheaper than diapers. Yesterday, however, he recieved the "dook" tiger, zebra AND giraffe. Hopefully not too many more multiple poop days. We think he has reached a milestone as he now tells us when he has to go potty instead of me just looking for body signals. Shoot out a praise for his progress and a prayer for continued success. Pooping has never been so exciting. Posted by Picasa